Saturday, May 24, 2008

ANE: Poor Victimised Spirituality

Chapter 1: Part 5, Spirituality and Religion

There are some very interesting topics in this part. Some I agree with, some I feel very obliged to defend myself against. He starts by saying "having a belief system... does not make you spiritual" which I agree with. But then he elaborates with "the more you make your thoughts (beliefs) into your identity, the more cut off you are from the spiritual dimension within yourself." I think he's wrong. He is suggesting that spirituality only comes with a denial of knowledge. He seems rather knowledgeable regarding his own beliefs that define his own personal spirituality, yet he is more spiritual than me. Well maybe he is, but I do not count that to my loss, because his version of spirituality is not something I want. However, I am "spiritual" in that I have a relationship with the Almighty God in Heaven, who is spirit; as Christian, the Holy Spirit is with me always; I died a spiritual death to self and sin... but none of this is done in ignorance.

Anyway, I want to defend myself against some pretty radical claims he makes.
Unless you believe (think) as they do, you are wrong in their eyes, and in the not-too-distant past, they would have felt justified in killing you for it.
That's quite a claim to make. I know that I have been angry and irritation and frustrated at various people whom I've argued with and disagreed with, but I have never, never wanted to kill them! That is so completely against Biblical teaching and law. I feel it necessary to defend myself here because I do believe that the Bible holds truth, and that if you do not believe it, then you are wrong on such matters as it covers. But I do not hold that against you. We do have free will and I acknowledge your rights to decide for yourself. Although a small number of friendships have gone sour because of this (as I perceive to be, fundamental) issue, there are so many more that haven't.

So then he goes on in his fashion for the rest of part 5 about how victimised spirituality is at the hands of the evil institutionalised religions - which in some cases, are regrettably true, but not to the extent that it seems he would have us believe.

That's all I really feel like getting into for this section. He makes a bunch of claims to support his spirituality which simply aren't true, but my beef was mostly with the one above.

1 comment:

csp said...

Comment: He is suggesting that spirituality only comes with a denial of knowledge.

Response: That is not what Tolle is saying or advocating. There are different types of knowledge. He is saying that book knowledge, intellectual knowledge, word knowledge, etc. is not spiritual. However, there is knowledge from direct experience of the "voice of the silence" that illuminates all things. When one experiences, or better yet, lives from this silence knowledge is direct, deep and immediate.

Comment: Unless you believe (think) as they do, you are wrong in their eyes, and in the not-too-distant past, they would have felt justified in killing you for it. [Tolle]

That's quite a claim to make ... completely against Biblical teaching and law.

Response: It might be against Biblical teaching and law, but is common behavior by the Church. There have been inquisitions, torture, killings, wars, crusades, collusion with Nazis, and widespread child abuse perpetrated, supported and covered up by the Church.

"For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit." [Luke 6:43]